News & Highlights
Back- Final Result for the post of Occupational Therapist advertised by Safdarjung Hospital and exam conducted by HLL
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- Subscription to E-Resources of Elsevier Science, McGraw Hill and Wolters Kluwer Publishers
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- Notice for MD/MS Admission- 2024-27/01/2025
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- Appointment of HoDs-21/01/2025
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- Notice for MD/MS Annual Examination 2024
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- National Institutional Ranking Framework
- Result of II Counselling of Non-PG Junior Residents 2024 (Medical)-11/01/2025
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- Result of Senior Residents (Ad-hoc basis for 44 days)
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- List of selected candidates for the post of Research Staff (four posts) and Project Research Scientist-I (one post)-08/01/2025
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- Result of Assistant Professor (on Contract) in different Specialties and Waitlist
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- Notification for II Counselling of Non-PG Junior Residents 2024 to be held on 08/01/202025
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- Corrigendum for list of Provisional selected candidates for the post of Nursing Attendant advertised by Safdarjung Hospital
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- Final Result for the post of Junior Medical Laboratory Technologist (JMLT) advertised by LHMC and SSKH and CBT Exam held on 25/02/2024
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- Recruitment of Senior Residents on Ad-hoc basis-13/12/2024
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- Advertisement for the Recruitment of Medical Social Welfare Officer and Housekeeper on Deputation basis-25/11/2024
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- Checklist and Admission Form for admission in Post-Graduate Course MD/MS 2024-21/11/2024
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- Final Result for the post of Operation Theatre Assistant, Dark Room Assistant, X-Ray Technician, Pharmacist and Nursing Attendant CBT Exam held on 25/02/2024
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- Result, Select and Waitlist Candidates of Non PG JR (Dental) Examination 2024 held on 29/10/2024
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- List of Selected and Waitlisted Candidates of Non PG JR (Medical) Exam held on 25/10/2024 and Counselling on 05/11/2024
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- GeM Bidding
- Email ID for NEET UG/PG Counselling for Persons with disabilities candidates
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- MoM/Policy for selection of Non-PG Junior Residents and Senior Residents
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- Public Grievance Mechanism in LHMC and Associated Hospitals
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- Link for Equal Opportunity Cell
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- PREAMBLE(उद्देशिका)
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- Promotion of Digital Payment
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